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You asked. We Delivered.

Property Raptor’s December product release includes a new commercial module for its all-in-one real estate CRM management and lead generation platform.

Our December product release packs a heavy punch for commercial real estate agencies looking to get ahead of the competition.

Thoughtful feature updates create a productive, intuitive, and tailored environment that saves you even more time while you close deals. With roll-out for existing clients kicking off on December 1st, the release arrives in perfect time to set all your 2023 sales commission targets.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the features that make Property Raptor’s commercial module a total game-changer in the industry. 

December 2022 Release

Predefined commercial properties & attributes

A listing mechanism that understands the commercial landscape makes it super simple to create properties in record time

New sub-unit functionality

Improved visualization helps you compare sub-units at-a-glance

Smart PDF form and document generation engine

Upload PDFs to automatically fill out templates – saving you even more time

Predefined commercial properties & attributes

A listing mechanism that understands the commercial landscape makes it super simple to create properties in record time 

The more time we can save you from repetitive admin tasks, the happier we are. The new Property Raptor commercial module enables agents to automatically create new property types for predefined properties such as:

  • Office space
  • Retail properties: street shop, shopping mall, retail building; and
  • Industrial use: simple shed, warehouse, logistics building

Users can also add custom fields to define their own commercial properties.

Each predefined property type has its own corresponding fields to support agents with filling out data as seamlessly as possible.

New sub-unit function & visualisation

All we want for Christmas…is to visualise all our sub-units

You’re one step closer with Property Raptor’s new sub-unit function, which makes it easy to create or duplicate existing units to build an accurate picture of your commercial property. You can also easily indicate which sub-units are available to sublet. Simply switch the toggle to indicate that the unit is available for sublet when you create a new unit. Then select Add Sub Unit and fill in details such as Unit Type, Area Type, and situation (such as View).

Our improved visualization also allows you to compare sub-units by displaying them by floor and by their relative size, helping you to understand commercial opportunities at-a-glance: no more opening up multiple tabs on your browser to understand the differences between available units!

Finally, agents are empowered to quickly create rental or sale listings, clone unit details, or move the unit as needed.

Smart PDF form and document generation engine

A smart PDF form and document generation engine that gives time back to agents – no more filling out templates from scratch 

We get it. We want to spend as little time as possible entering data too. The commercial version of Property Raptor offers yet another feature that streamlines and facilitates your day by automatically filling out document templates.

Simply upload your PDF document, such as an offer letter, and Property Raptor’s smart PDF engine will automatically feed the defined data fields into the template of your choosing. No need to fill out the template from scratch! The system will do it all for you.

What’s next? Roll-out of the commercial module for Property Raptor will begin as early as December 1st for qualified clients. If you want to find out more, get in touch at